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Purchase Orders

Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum Purchase Order Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum Purchase Order Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum Purchase Order Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum Purchase Order Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum Purchase Order Visual Mapping

The following Info-Link tables are required when syncing Purchase Orders from or to Spectrum:


For details on enabling Info-Link tables for your user, see Steps 2.7 in our Spectrum authentication guide.

Locked Tables

You may encounter an error like the following when attempting to sync a record (e.g. a Purchase Order):

Spectrum Locked Tables

This error is from another Viewpoint Spectrum User having a window with this record open, which causes the table for the record to be locked.

To unlock the table:

  1. From the Sitemap, go to System Administration-->Utilities-->View Locked Database Tables:

Spectrum Locked Tables

  1. Here you can see a list of locked tables. You can either email the Spectrum User that has locked the table, or alternatively press Remove Session:

Spectrum Locked Tables

  1. If you selected Remove Session, input the Session ID and press OK:

Spectrum Locked Tables

  1. A window will appear confirming you have removed the session. Returning to the View Locked Database Tables page will show no sessions.

Spectrum Locked Tables

Spectrum Locked Tables