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AP Invoices (Vendor Invoices)


Agave Sync exports AP Invoices to Spectrum in an Unposted status.

To see unposted AP Invoices in Spectrum, go to Spectrum's Sitemap and select Accounts Payable-->Data Entry-->Vendor Invoices.

Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum AP Invoice Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum AP Invoice Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum AP Invoice Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum AP Invoice Visual Mapping

Procore and Spectrum AP Invoice Visual Mapping

The following Info-Link tables are required when syncing AP Invoices from or to Spectrum:


For details on enabling Info-Link tables for your user, see Steps 2.7 in our Spectrum authentication guide.


Can I sync AP Invoices for Purchase Orders?

Unfortunately no. Due to limitations with Spectrum, we can only sync AP Invoices that reference Subcontracts.

Can I release retention through Agave Sync?

Unfortunately no. Due to limitations with Spectrum, we cannot sync retention release for Subcontract Invoices. You will need to do manually release retention in Spectrum.

How is the batch number determined?

Since Procore does not have a batch number, Agave Sync automatically sets the batch number to the date of the Saturday the AP Invoice was synced in the format "YYYYMMDD".

For example, if the Saturday of the sync is 9/7/2024, the batch number is set to "20240907".

How are materials stored factored into AP Invoice amounts?

The amount of a line item synced from Procore to Spectrum is equal to "Work Completed Amount This Period" + ("New Materials Stored" - "Previous Materials Stored").

What are Billing Periods and how do I add them?

You may receive an error like the following: [Procore Error] The project must have an open billing period (or admin can specify a period_id) to create an invoice when attempting to import AP or AR Invoices to Procore.

To fix this error, you will need to create a "Billing Period" in the Project. For context, a Billing Period defines the billing cycle used by a project's team and invoice contacts on Procore's invoices and progress billings. In addition to defining the frequency of the billing cycle (for example, monthly or weekly), a billing period also defines the billing cycle's start/end date and the due date for the invoice or progress billing.

To learn more about adding Billing Periods to Procore, see Procore's guides on creating manual billing periods and automatic billing periods.

Note, we recommend creating these Billing Periods in your Project Template(s), so you do not need to add Billing Periods for each Project going forward.