Budget Line Items (Phases)
Visual Mapping
Info-Link Tables
The following Info-Link tables are required when syncing Cost Types from or to Spectrum:
For details on enabling Info-Link tables for your user, see Steps 2.7 in our Spectrum authentication guide.
Common Errors and FAQs
Price Methods
Agave Sync will default to the Price Method Code (e.g. Fixed Price, Unit Price) of the Project Type when syncing Budget Line Items from Spectrum to Procore (and vice-versa).
WBS Code ID: This Budget Code Already Exists
If you see the error [Procore Error] wbs_code_id: This Budget Code already exists
, it means a Budget Line Item with this Sub Job, Cost Code, and Cost Type combination (i.e. WBS Code) already exists in this Procore Project.
To resolve this error, press Link to Existing and link the Budget Line Item to the existing Budget in Procore.
If the Budget Line Item is not appearing in the "Link to Existing" list, trying pressing Fetch Latest Data to confirm you are seeing the latest list of WBS Codes in your Procore Project.
Unlocking Budget Line Items in Procore
If you see the error [Procore Error] The original_budget_amount cannot be updated for a locked budget.
, it means the Budget in Procore is locked, and no changes can be made to its original amounts.
Why is the Budget Locked?
A Budget is usually locked after the original budget is finalized. Locking ensures that:
- Users cannot modify the original budget data.
- Your team maintains a clear historical record of Budget Modifications and Change Orders affecting the budget.
How to Unlock the Budget
If you need to make changes, go to the Budget page in Procore Project and press Unlock Budget: