Prime Contracts
Prime Contracts (AIA Billing Schedules)
Most users sync Foundation AIA Billing Schedules to Procore Prime Contracts.
Visual Mapping
Prime Contracts (non-AIA Billing)
For projects that do not use AIA Billing, some users still want a Prime Contract in Procore that reflects the Original Contract value. In these cases, Agave can create a Prime Contract in Procore from the Original Contract amount on the Job record in Foundation.
Visual Mapping
Agave Sync distinguishes when to use the AIA Billing Schedule or the Original Contract value based on a user-defined field you can set up on the Job record:
The sync behavior changes depending on the value in this field to ensure only one type of Prime Contract is synced to Procore for each project:
- No or Blank - Agave will use the AIA Billing Schedule as usual
- Yes - Agave will use the Original Contract value on the Job record in Foundation
- Create a user-defined field of type
Dropdown List
on FoundationJob
records - Add values
as list options to the user-defined field - Tell your Agave rep the name of this user-defined field. You can choose the name.
- Set the user-defined field to Yes on a project that will not use AIA Billing to confirm Agave detects a Prime Contract
Deleting Prime Contracts
You may unintentionally sync Prime Contracts to Procore without all of the line items you would like to include. Instead of manually (1) setting the Prime Contract back to "Draft", (2) unlinking the Prime Contract, and (3) deleting the Prime contract, you can use Agave Sync to delete Prime COntracts you have synced to Procore.
To delete Prime Contracts you have synced to Procore:
Identify the Prime Contracts you would like to delete:
In Agave Sync, select those Prime Contracts and press Delete from Procore:
The Prime Contracts will now appear as syncable but they will no longer exist in Procore:
Agave Sync will delete the Prime Contracts in Procore, but not in the original source system (i.e. youre accounting system).