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Prime Contract Change Orders

Visual Mappings

Prime Contract Changes - Revenue

Procore and Foundation Prime Change Order Visual Mapping

Procore and Foundation Prime Change Order Visual Mapping

Budget Changes - Cost

Procore and Foundation Budget Change Visual Mapping

Procore and Foundation Budget Change Visual Mapping

Procore to Foundation

Exporting Prime Contract Change Orders to Foundation

To set up Prime Contract Change Order imports to Foundation, you will need to follow the below steps:

Create DataGenie Importer for J/C Change Orders

If you have not yet set up a Data Genie for Imports in Foundation:

  1. From the Foundation homepage, go to Genies --> Import:


  1. In the ImportGenies window, select J/C Chg Order Import genie and then OK:


  1. For Header Information, select Add All and then press Next:



  1. For Detail Information, select Add All and then press Next:



  1. Add a memorable name (e.g. JC CO Import). You can leave the remaining fields blank and press Finish:


Import Prime Contract Change Orders into Foundation

Let's say I want to export the following PCCO to Foundation from my Project Management system:


  1. After exporting a PCCO, you should receive an email with two CSV files that you can import to Foundation (one for the headers, one for the line items). Open the email and download the files to your downloads folder:


  1. Go to the Foundation homepage and select Job Costing:


  1. Under Daily, select Import Change Orders:


  1. Under the Criteria tab:
  • For Import Name, select the DataGenie you created for Job Cost Change Order imports.
  • Under Header Information, for Import Path and Filename, select the filepath for the CSV file you downloaded from the email in step 1 above. If you downloaded the file to your Downloads folder, the filepath is likely "M:\Users\Your PC Name\Downloads\date-PCCO-Header-Import.csv (e.g. "M:\Users\John\Downloads\2024-08-15-PCCO-Header-Import.csv").
  • Under Distribution, for Import Path and Filename. If you downloaded the file to your Downloads folder, the filepath is likely "M:\Users\Your PC Name\Downloads\date-PCCO-Detail-Import.csv (e.g. "M:\Users\John\Downloads\2024-08-15-PCCO-Detail-Import.csv").


  1. Select the Report tab. An import will now begin. If the import is successful, you will see a message like the below:


  1. To confirm the Prime Contract Change Order imported successfully, go to the Enter Change Orders window in Job Costing.


  1. Enter the Job No and Change Order No for the Prime Contract Change Order you imported.


  1. Go to Record and select Retrieve:


The Prime Contract Change Order Header and Line Items will now display in Foundation:



Foundation to Procore


In Foundation, Change Orders have two types of line items:

  1. Changes to the Contract (denoted in red) - Entered in the "Change to Contract" column. May have a Phase/Cost Code depending on the AR Distribution Setting, but will not have a Cost Type.
  2. Changes to the Cost Budget (denoted in blue) - Entered in the "Change to Est. Cost" column. Will have a Phase/Cost Code and Cost Type.

Procore and Foundation Revenue vs Cost Change Order Lines

To ensure that the Cost/Revenue changes are reflected in Procore and not double counted on either the Revenue or Cost Budget, Agave Sync creates two records in Procore: a 1-tier Prime Contract Change Order for the revenue and a Budget Change for the cost.

Source System Settings


Update these settings on the Project Template and any projects for which you plan to import Change Orders:

  • Require Net Zero Budget Change Amounts - Since Budget Changes will contain increases/decreases to the budget based on the Foundation Change Order, this must be un-checked.
  • 1-Tier Change Orders (Optional) - Foundation Change Orders are synced with a single tier. Enabling this setting ensures the Prime Contract and Change Order views in Procore are tailored to the 1-tier structure.


  • Enable Phase / Cost Code Distribution - In the AR Control file, the "Enable Phase / Cost Code Distribution" setting determines whether Phases and Cost Codes are used on AR Invoices, Prime Contracts, and Change Order revenue lines. If this is not enabled, your Prime Contract Change Order Revenue lines will not have a budget code when synced to Procore.

Foundation AR Distribution Setting

By default, the Revised Budget calculation includes both Approved COs and Approved Budget Changes:

Procore Revised Budget View

You may want to configure the budget view to remove Approved COs, since they will duplicate costs:

Procore Revised Budget View

Q: Why aren't my PCCO Line Items coming across?

In order for Agave to match PCCO Line Items on the AIA Billing form with the Change Order, the revenue change must be added to the distribution (blue box), not just the header (red box):

Foundation AR Distribution Setting

Then, the changes must be posted to AIA Billing:

Foundation AR Distribution Setting

Ensure they are reflected/saved on the AIA Billing Schedule of Values:

Foundation AR Distribution Setting