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Budget Line Items (Budgets)

Visual Mapping

Foundation and Procore Visual Mapping


Foundation automatically creates $0 Budget Line Items for every Cost Type that can be associated with a Cost Code, even though you might only add a Budget Line Item for one Cost Code/Cost Type match. Let your Account Manager know if you would like to apply a filter of >$0 for syncing Budget Line Items.

Exporting Budget Line Items to Foundation

To set up Budget Line Item imports to Foundation, you will need to follow the below steps:

Create DataGenie Importer for J/C Budgets

If you have not yet set up a Data Genie for Imports in Foundation:

  1. From the Foundation homepage, go to Genies --> Import:


  1. In the ImportGenies window, select J/C BudgetGenie and then OK:


  1. Select J/C Budget Only.

  2. Select each individual column and press Add->. You will need to add all columns outside of "Original Est Dollars For" and "Original Est Units For" first, which includes:

    • Bid Amount
    • Cost Code Certified Payroll
    • Cost Code Description
    • Cost Code No
    • Job No
    • Job Original Estimated Cost
    • Phase Description
    • Phase No

Do not add the Original Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unused Numeric, and Unused String columns. The Original Quantity and Unit of Measure columns are imported separately in the Budget Prodution Quantities model.


  1. Select the columns For "Original Est Dollars For" and "Original Est Units For":
  • You will need to specify each Cost Class in the input box for each column.
  • You will need to include each Cost Class you sync to Procore except for the "Quantity" Cost Class (we can't import Budgets to this Cost Class).
  • Do not add the fields "Unused Numeric" and "Unused String" to the Data Genie.

The below is what your list should look like and how it maps to your list of Cost Classes:




  1. Once you are finished adding columns, select Next>>.

  2. Add a memorable name (e.g. Budget Import), and then select Sum of Costs under Update Bid Amt. Then press Finish:


Import Budgets into Foundation

Let's say I want to export the following three Budget Line Items to Foundation from my Project Management system:


  1. After exporting a Budget from Procore, you should receive an email with a CSV file that you can import to Foundation. Open the email and download the file to your downloads folder:


  1. Go to the Foundation homepage and select Job Costing:


  1. Under Daily, select Import Estimates:


  1. Under the Criteria tab:
  • For Import Title, select the DataGenie you created for Budget Imports.
  • For Estimate Filename, select the filepath for the CSV file you downloaded from the email in step 1 above. If you downloaded the file to your Downloads folder, the filepath is likely "M:\Users\Your PC Name\Downloads\date-budget-import.csv (e.g. "M:\Users\John\Downloads\2024-07-26-Budget-Import.csv").
  • For Import File Type, select "Comma Separated".
  • If this is an update to an existing Budget in Foundation, select Overwrite Existing Job Budgets.


  1. Select the Report tab. An import will now begin. If the import is successful, you will see a message like the below:


  1. To confirm the Budget imported successfully, go to the Budgets tab for the Job you imported the Budget (Estimate) to. It will include the estimate details you just imported:


  1. If I press "Refresh Data" in the Agave Sync UI, the three Budget Line Items will automatically link to the import Budgets:



I've imported my Budget to Foundation. Why is it not appearing in Foundation?

It's possible you have not set the Job Type to Budget:

Common Errors and FAQs

WBS Code ID: This Budget Code Already Exists

If you see the error [Procore Error] wbs_code_id: This Budget Code already exists, it means a Budget Line Item with this Sub Job, Cost Code, and Cost Type combination (i.e. WBS Code) already exists in this Procore Project.

To resolve this error, press Link to Existing and link the Budget Line Item to the existing Budget in Procore.


If the Budget Line Item is not appearing in the "Link to Existing" list, trying pressing Fetch Latest Data to confirm you are seeing the latest list of WBS Codes in your Procore Project.

Unlocking Budget Line Items in Procore

If you see the error [Procore Error] The original_budget_amount cannot be updated for a locked budget., it means the Budget in Procore is locked, and no changes can be made to its original amounts.

Why is the Budget Locked?

A Budget is usually locked after the original budget is finalized. Locking ensures that:

  1. Users cannot modify the original budget data.
  2. Your team maintains a clear historical record of Budget Modifications and Change Orders affecting the budget.

How to Unlock the Budget

If you need to make changes, go to the Budget page in Procore Project and press Unlock Budget:

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