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Departments refer to Business Units in ServiceTitan or Cost Centers in Spectrum.

In ServiceTitan, a Business Unit is generally a division within your business. For example, if you run a business that has multiple departments, such as install and sales, classify each department as a unit in ServiceTitan.

In Spectrum, a Cost Center in Spectrum describes a division, location, branch, or other subset of the company that has its own processing needs while relying on shared information from one or more other cost centers.

Agave Sync allows for you to link ServiceTitan Business Units to Spectrum Cost Centers to maintain the correct reference when syncing transactions like AR Invoices.

Visual Mapping

ServiceTitan and Spectrum Departments Visual Mapping

The following Info-Link tables are required when linking Departments (Cost Centers):

  1. EM_Cost_Centers_MC

For details on enabling Info-Link tables for your user, see Steps 2.7 in our Spectrum authentication guide.