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Job Costs (Direct Costs)

Agave Sync allows you to import a Project's Job Costs from QuickBooks Desktop to Procore Direct Costs.

Visual Mapping

Company Tools

Direct Costs and Subcontractor Invoices

When you sync a Subcontractor Invoice from Procore to QuickBooks Desktop, a Direct Cost or Actual Cost is created in your Budget view.

Since a Job Cost is already created in Procore for these Subcontractor Invoices, we do not sync Bills (Subcontractor Invoices) in QuickBooks Desktop associated with a Purchase Order or Subcontract that has been previously synced from Procore to QuickBooks Desktop. We do this to avoid double-counting the Direct Costs from Subcontractor Invoices in Procore.


In Procore, a Subcontractor Invoice (Bill) can only be associated with a single Purchase Order or Subcontract.

As a result, Agave Sync assumes that any Bill we sync to QuickBooks Desktop should only be associated with a single Subcontract or Purchase Order. If a Bill is associated with more than one Purchase Order or Subcontract, Agave Sync infers that the Bill is not from Procore and should instead be imported to Procore as a Direct Cost record.

Sources for Job Costs

Agave Sync imports the following types of Direct Costs from QuickBooks Desktop for a Project:

  • Bill
  • Check
  • Credit Card Charge
  • Credit Card Credit
  • Paycheck
  • Vendor Credit