Cost Projections
Contractors may want their current forecast of costs on a project in Sage 100 C without needing to use Change Orders. Sage 100 C doesn’t have a projection module, but the Budget View is often used in a similar way:
Current Budget
The Current Budget can be edited directly, and is often used by users to show the current understanding of how much money will be used on a budget (the most recent projection)
Original Budget The original budget (which is what we pull from via the BLI sync) maintains a record of the original budget for comparison against the final outcome:
Agave Sync takes the most recent projection for each budget code in Procore and syncs it to Sage 100 C's Current Budget.
Visual Mapping
Procore Budget View Settings
By default, Procore's Cost Projections including pending costs. You can change this calculation by configuring your Budget and Forecasting views in Procore.
Work with your Agave rep to take advantage of two settings for customizing this calculation:
- Budget View (required) - Sets the Budget View that Agave will the Cost Projection from
- Budget Column - Sets the column that Agave pulls the estimated cost at completion from. By default, this is set to
Estimated Cost at Completion