Setting up Non-Stock Items
When syncing AP documents from Procore to Acumatica, you may wish to apply default GL Accounts, Tax Categories, Units of Measure, or other information based on the line item’s Cost Type.
To enable this, you can configure Non-Stock Items for each Cost Type in Acumatica. Agave will include the corresponding Non-Stock Item in the Inventory ID field so Acumatica applies the proper defaults. This is supported for syncing Purchase Orders, Subcontracts, and Change Orders into Acumatica.
Configuring Non-Stock Items
Navigate to the Non-Stock Items screen (Screen Id “IN2020PL”) and create a new Non-Stock Item (note that the Inventory Module must be enabled/accessible):
General Setup Requirements
Ensure the following requirements are met when setting up the Non-Stock Item:
- Inventory ID (Red) - The code must match the Account Group code for the corresponding Cost Type exactly. In the above example, the Account Group for subcontract costs is “S”.
- Item Status (Orange) - The item must be active.
- Type (Blue) - The type must be “Non-Stock Item”
- Require Receipt / Require Shipment (Green) - These must be unchecked for the AP Invoice workflow to function properly.
GL Account
In the “GL Accounts” tab, ensure the Expense Account matches the Cost Type’s Account Group. In this example, since the Cost Type is “S” for Subcontracts, the subcontract expense account is used:
Note: In order for AP Invoices to sync properly, the Expense Account’s Group in Acumatica must match the Cost Type in Procore.
Units of Measure
By default, Acumatica only allows using the UOM defined on the “Base Unit” of the Non-Stock Item:
Using a different Unit of Measure in Procore may result in an error message like: UOM cannot be found in the system
Allowing Different Units of Measure
To use additional units of measure, add conversions for them on the Non-Stock Item in the table:
The above example would accept EA, BOTTLE, HOUR, LB, and PIECE for this Cost Type from Procore. To save time setting up the above for every Cost Type, consider using an Item Class.
If you do not see this option on the Non-Stock Item page, enable the Multiple Units of Measure feature for Inventory and Order Management: