Units of Measure
You can use Agave Sync to ensure that Units of Measure are properly translated between Spectrum and Autodesk Build.
Visual Mapping
Adding Units of Measure to Autodesk Build
If you receive an error like the following: "The Unit of Measure associated with this model has not been synced", it's possible the Unit of Measure may not exist in Autodesk Build. To fix this error:
- In an Autodesk Build Project, go to Cost Management-->Settings:
- In the General tab, select the Unit of Measure section. Then press Add unit:
Make sure to add new Units of Measure to your Project Template so it is available for all new Projects.
Adding Units of Measure
If you receive an error like the following: "The Unit of Measure associated with this model (SM) has not been synced", it's possible the Unit of Measure may not exist in Spectrum. To fix this error:
- From Spectrum's Sitemap, go to Accounts Receivable--> Maintenance--> Unit of Measure.
- Select New and enter details on the Unit of Measure you would like to add:
- Return to the Agave website. Go to the Units of Measure tab and link the new Unit of Measure.
Info-Link Tables
The following Info-Link tables are required when linking Units of Measure to Spectrum:
For details on enabling Info-Link tables for your user, see Steps 2.7 in our Spectrum authentication guide.