Manual Syncing
With Agave Sync, you can export, update, and map your data between systems anytime. During initial onboarding, we recommend manual syncing to ensure data moves as expected.
Manual syncing is managed on a per-data-type basis through Data Pages. When you first set up Agave Sync, each page will display all records from the source system. From there, you can push them into the target system if they do not yet exist, or link them if they do.
Sync Actions
Available for records in status: Disconnected
Pushing a record copies it from the source system to the target system. It will also create a link for that record between the systems to keep it updated. Records can only be pushed if they are "Disconnected" (not already synced).
Push a single record by clicking the "Push" button on the same line:
To push multiple records, select them and click "Push Selected":
Available for records in status: Synced
You can update records that are already connected between the two systems. This copies the most recent updates from the source system into the target system.
Click "Update" on a connected record to update it:
To update multiple records, select them and click "Update Selected":
Available for records in status: Disconnected
If a record already exists in both systems, you can link it in Agave Sync to keep it updated between systems and avoid duplication. Link a single record by selecting its match in the target system:
Agave can also find matching records for you in bulk with Automatic Linking :
Available for records in status: Synced, Orphaned
If you need to remap a record (e.g. if it has been deleted in one system), you can unlink it. Once unlinked, the record can be pushed or relinked to another record.
Click "Unlink" on a connected record to unlink it:
To unlink multiple records, select them and click "Unlink Selected":
Sync Statuses
A record's Sync Status reflects the relationship between its source and target system records. The Sync Status determines which actions you can take.
This record has not been synced or linked yet. Disconnected records are available to be synced or linked, and display the text "Disconnected" in the "Last Sync" column:
If you have automation enabled, Disconnected records should be attempted in the next automatic sync.
This record is linked with a corresponding record in the target system. Synced records can be updated or unlinked. You cannot push or link synced records without unlinking them first. Synced records display a green "Last Sync" time:
This record is linked, but Agave can no longer find the corrresponding record in the other system (e.g. it was deactivated or deleted). Like synced records, you must unlink orphaned records to push or link them again.
Similar to orphaned, but for records that are expected to disappear in the target system. For example, timecards disappear in some systems when payroll is run. Imported records display the text "Imported" in the "Last Sync" column:
Order of Operations for Manual Syncing
Some data types may require you to sync other data types first as a prerequisite. For example, syncing an AP Invoice requires that the Vendor it is associated with is already linked. This ensures data is associated properly in each system.
Linking the prerequisite record will resolve the warning and allow you to sync it.
Special Case: Cost Codes, Cost Types, and Sub Jobs
These cost segments are prerequisites to most data types and are often already applied to the project by the company-level cost code list or Project Template.
Agave automatically links cost codes, cost types, and sub jobs that exist in both systems when a project synced to reduce manual syncing. For more information on Project Templates, see our articles on Autodesk Build Project Templates and Procore Project Templates.