Manual Syncing
Agave Sync can automatically push, update, and link records to keep your systems updated in the background. Automation can be configured on both a per-data-type and per-project basis.
In this article:
Enabling Automation
Automation is configurable on the Settings page in Agave Sync:
There are two types of automation:
- Create new records - Agave detects when a new record is created in the source system and automatically pushes it into the target system
- Update linked records - Agave detects changes in the source system for linked records and updates the target system accordingly. For example, if a vendor’s address is updated in the source system, Agave will update the vendor’s address in the target system.
Click the checkbox to enable the relevant automation type(s). Both settings can be enabled at the same time:
Select a cadence:
The cadence determines how often Agave checks the source system for updates and pushes them into the target system.
Click "Save":
Company-Level Data
Company-level data types include Projects, Vendors, Customers, and Employees.
Create new records
Every disconnected record listed on the data page is pushed when “Create new records” is enabled, regardless of when it was created or if it has a match in the target system.
All future records created in the source system (that meet the filter criteria) will also be automatically pushed at the selected cadence.
Only Agave-applied filters (the grey ones) apply to the automation, so ensure these are correct before going live. Additionally, link any records that already have matches so they are not duplicated.
Update Linked Records
When “Update Linked Records” is enabled, Agave Sync detects when a record has changed in the source system and updates the target system with the most recent version.
Agave Sync uses the Source Update Time column to determine if a record has changed and trigger the update:
If the Source Update Time is more recent than the last sync, Agave updates the record.
Project-Level Data
Project-level data types (e.g. Cost Codes/Types, Commitments, Change Orders, Job Costs) will only sync automatically if the corresponding project is linked in Agave. Your pre-existing, unlinked projects will not be impacted by enabling automation.
Project-level data types have a few additional settings outlined below.
Enable/Disable Automation by Project
The “Automatic Sync” column on the Projects page allows enabling/disabling automation for specific projects:
- Eligible - This project (and the records within it) will follow all automation settings on the main settings page. This is the default for newly synced projects.
- Disabled - This project’s records will not sync automatically, regardless of the automation settings on the main settings page.
- Empty - Unlinked projects do not have this setting and will default to “Eligible” when first synced.
Consider the following automation settings:
with these projects:
Based on the above settings, Arena Electrical 2 and Ben’s Cottage will have their Budget Line Items automatically pushed and updated, and the other projects will not.
Per-Project Cutoff Date Setting
If you have an active project transitioning to Agave from a different process/tool, you may wish to set a cutoff date to exclude records that already exist in both systems. This helps avoid duplicates.
When a cutoff date is set, no project-level records created before the cutoff date will sync automatically. They can still be manually synced.
Setting a Cutoff Date
Click the gear icon next to the Automatic Sync toggle on the Projects page:
Set a cutoff date and click Save:
Continuting the above example, only Budget Line Items created after September 1st will be automatically synced for the “Arena Electrical 2” project.
Summary: Project-Level Automation Logic
Agave uses the following logic to determine if a newly-created project-level record should be synced to the target system:
- Does the data type have “Create new records” enabled on the Settings page?
- No → Do not sync
- Yes → Continue
- Is the project linked?
- No → Do not sync
- Yes → Continue
- Is the project’s Automatic Sync toggle marked “Eligible”?
- No → Do not sync
- Yes → Continue
- Does the project have a cutoff date set?
- No → Sync the record
- Yes → continue
- Was the record created after the cutoff date?
- No or Unsure → Do not sync
- Yes → Sync the record
Go-Live Checklist for Automation
Consider the following before enabling automation in Agave Sync.
Ensure filters are set correctly - To avoid syncing old or inactive data, ensure the correct filters are applied to the data types you are automating. Only Agave-applied filters (the grey ones, example below) apply to the automation, so work with your Agave account rep to update them as needed.
Link records that already exist in both systems - To prevent duplicates, link any existing matches between both systems for the data types you are automating.
Disable any projects that should not have automation running - If you are automating project-level records, disable any projects you don’t wish to automate. Note: Many customers will start by automating one project as a test.
For already-active projects, set a cutoff date - If you have an active project transitioning to Agave from a different process, you may wish to set a cutoff date to exclude records that are already created in both systems. This helps avoid duplicates.
If an error occurs during automated sync, will Agave keep trying to sync that record?
Yes, Agave Sync will automatically retry that record in the next automation run.
Why do some data types only have “Create new records” available for automation?
Contracts, invoices, and a few other data types are not updatable by default. Agave does this as a best practice to protect accounting systems from draft versions or accidental edits. Instead, we do a one-time sync when they are approved or executed.
What are the hours of operation for hourly syncs?
Hourly syncs run every 60 minutes from 8AM PT to 7PM PT on business days. Reach out to your Agave account rep if you need this adjusted.
If I enable an hourly automated sync, when will it start running?
Within 5 minutes (if within the hours of operation).
When do daily automated syncs run?
By default, they run at 8AM PT. Reach out to your Agave account rep if you need this adjusted.